The person that is determined to have success may not know the price, but is resolute on one thing; and that is, they are willing to pay it.
Could this be you?
Those who are certain of success have tossed aside every excuse and their hidden alibis. They've surrendered the sorrows of past and have set their gaze on the living a fulfilling life, in their today. They've harnessed the moment by yielding to it, their willingness to become more. Unstoppable is what they become, but not before surrendering every manifesting attribute of fear. They will be the first to tell you that settling for failure is not worth all the time that it is given.
So, how bad do you want it?
How much are you willing to work?
Or has mediocrity crippled your ability to see exactly what you are doing? If so you are not the only one, but the only way around it is to expose the little demons and give it no hiding place. Are you willing?
There is no doubt that the one who has attained success in their desired goal has discovered the demons that show up in mediocrity and has parted ways with them; they understand that failure has many parents, but only one fruitless child.
Are you prepared to learn what it will take to find success in what you desire to have it in?
Are you willing to learn from others?
Are you bold enough to let others get to know who you really are?
Are you willing to surrender the beliefs you hold that are not serving your higher self to adapt new ones that do?
Are you willing to find mentors that can help you?
Can you withstand criticism and still smile with your confidence undiminished?
Are you willing to sacrifice your time?
Are you wiling to pay financially the cost to learn, or have what you desire?
Are you willing to come out of your comfort zone in order to learn?
Have you taken complete responsibility by realising no one can pay your way to success only you?
Are you willing to take continuous action towards your goals?
If you have answered no to these questions then there can be a great many reasons why you aren't, but be assured success can't come until you can say yes.
If you have answered yes and have allowed yourself no excuses then it will be displayed in your actions.
The action you take TODAY will determine if you will honour the yes answers that you have provided above.
There are many keys to success like, getting our mindset open for it, having persistence and being around people who are thinking like we think and having someone on our side whose only motive is to see us operate in your full potential.
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