One of the first things to do when you begin self-improvement is to check your attitude.
As you go through your day take some time and listen to your thoughts. What do you think about when you go shopping?
Would you label your thoughts as positive or negative? While shopping
are you always worried about the price of products and your lack of
sufficient monies to shop the way you want?
As you go about your day thinking your thoughts. Do you think the people around you and the people you meet know your thoughts?
Although people will not know exactly what you are thinking, they will more or less know how you are feeling.
Our thoughts effect us and every one around us. When we go where we are
known the people who know us can tell what kind of mood we are in. We
are definitely not alone with our thoughts.
Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. your
attitude effects your appearance. Your thoughts are so powerful that
they effect the people who you chose as friends and the people you chose
to associate with.
A person with positive thoughts have invigorating effects on people they
come in contact with. People who are with some one who has a positive
attitude are usually energized by there thoughts.
At the same time if you are around people with a negative attitude you
will feel your energy being sapped. Negative thoughts make you look
gloomy and sad and can turn a happy occasion into a funeral wake.
Studies show that a positive attitude promotes better health. With a
positive attitude you are able to handle stress and problems better than
those with a negative attitude.
A good self-image comes from a positive attitude. Self- improvement
comes from a good self-esteem. With a good attitude and a good
self-image you can be unstoppable.
With a positive attitude you can effect many lives if a friend feels
down, very often all they need is some one to listen to them. With a
positive attitude you can usually cheer them up with out having to say a
A negative attitude has the opposite effect. A negative attitude has a
twofold drawback. You feel bad about yourself and you make others feel
the same way.
In the world we currently live it can be difficult to keep a positive
attitude with so many news feeds which usually give us nothing but
negative messages. A study shows that for every 14 things the average parent says
to his or her child, only one is positive. Sad, isn't it.
You cannot stay away from negative things but you can carry a positive attitude by focusing on the good things in your life.
If positive attitude is great, why do people choose to adopt a negative
attitude instead? One who carries a negative attitude may be actually
sending a signal for attention. Feeling sad, angry, or gloomy is not
wrong. It becomes unhealthy if you dwell on these thoughts for far too
Adopting a healthy and positive attitude promotes a win-win situation.
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