Do You Grab Life by the Horns or Sit on the Sidelines?
The only things in this life you may regret are the chances you didn't take. When you see a chance to be happy, you grab it with both hands and focus on success not consequences.
Financial Freedom is just Around the Corner
The road to success or failure is up to you. If you choose success than fasten your seat belt and drive towards the goal until the destination has been reached.
Live life with no Boundaries
Don't settle for less or else your life will be filled with boundaries. Dream Big and make it come to pass!
Dream Vacation
Everyone deserves the opportunity to experience their dream vacation whenever they please. Don't let a job decide when and where you can vacation. Be your own BOSS!
Dream Home
Anyone can own a luxury home or mansion by working smarter not harder. Make money work for you so you wont have to work hard for money.
Polish Up Your People Skills - Every Day of the Week
Success Factors: Possess a Burning Desire for Success
A Student's Quest for SuccessA student went to his spiritual teacher and said, 'Guru, I want to experience success. How can I become successful quickly?' The teacher smiled and said, 'All right, I'll teach you the secret of success. Meet me at the Ganges River at 5:00 am tomorrow.'The next morning the student showed up at 5:00 am at the appointed place only to find his teacher already bathing in the river. The teacher beckoned the student to come into the water and join him. Keen to learn the secret of success, the student obeyed the teacher without question.The teacher then put his hand on the student's head and firmly held it under the water. Gasping for air, the student struggled to get out, but the teacher maintained his grip keeping him under the water for more than a minute. The teacher knew the precise moment he had to release his grip on the student. Coughing up water that he had swallowed, the student angrily demanded, 'Why did you do that?'The teacher then said, 'Before I answer your question, tell me: what were you thinking of under the water? What was it that you were looking for? Success? Status? Wealth?''None of that, sir. I desperately wanted air. Nothing, but air.'The teacher then said, 'If you want success in your life as desperately as you wanted that breath of air, then you will have it - and as quickly as you want.'
Things That Determine Success Or Failure
How to Have the Mindset of a Successful Entrepreneur!
No Success Unless You START!
Reasons Why Failing Is Good And Necessary For Success!
Success Quotes to Inspire You Every Day
Open Minded - Definition of Success
Beyond Success to Significance
Success Occupies The Space Between Your Ears
The Journey From Fear to Faith
~ From Safe Haven (2013)
Are shrouded in mystery threatening strife,
It's easy to shy away in fear,
But then we miss out on what's terribly dear.
Each precious moment comes burgeoning in hope,
Hope flush and plenteous giving us power to cope,
By faith to repel fear there's no regret,
By faith our fear has no debt.
You Get What You Worry About
What do you think about as you try not to think about blue? - Blue!
The Definition of Happiness
Environment Is Everything
The Key to a Peaceful Life
Finding Your Way Back to Love, Happiness and Passionate Living
Fight Depression With Some Simple Lifestyle Changes